Pick your own strawberries

Fun for the whole family

Whether you pick your own strawberries directly on the spot, or make a delicious cake or jam out of it. Self-picking is an event for big and small, and together with the family it is even more fun.
If you want to become a self-picker but don’t know when the fields are open, keep a look at our map embedded below.

During harvest time the fields are open daily from 8:00am to 6:00pm (also on Sundays and holidays). Also this year completely without appointment, negative test or proof of vaccination – just drop by.

Kleinkind lernt wo gute Erdbeeren herkommen
kleines Mädchen pflückt Erdbeere

How to pick

Bring a basket, bowl or a bucket along to help saving resources.

If you forgot yours, no worries you can also purchase baskets at the field.

Pick as many strawberries as you like!
You can snack some while picking as well.

Tip:  On very hot days it is recommended to bring sunscreen, water and a hat.

Go back to our staff and find out how many you picked. 

Corona Tip: Please bring a mask

Find the nearest strawberry field here.

Here you can find our self picking fields

Open 7 days a week (during strawberry season)

google map legende

About us

Erdbeerland Funck is a family run and owned business. Our goal is to produce local fresh asparagus and luscious strawberries for the people within the Palatinate and Saarland region. This means, we grow, harvest and retail our products by ourselves.

The Products & Their Seasons

Sparge Icon Erdbeerland Ernst & Funck

Asparagus are in season end of March/ begin of April until End of June 

Erdbeere Icon Erdbeerland Ernst & Funck

Strawberries are in season end of April until end of September

Beeren Icon Erdbeerland Ernst & Funck

Raspberries are in season end of Mai until mid of July

Heidelbeeren Icon Erdbeerland Ernst & Funck

Blueberries are in season begin of June until end of July

Erdbeerland Funck

White Asparagus - What is it?

White asparagus is a german speciality. If you ever spend springtime in Germany you got to try it.

Field-fresh asparagus has long played a major role in the field of healthy nutrition, not only because of its taste, but also its healing powers in the field of natural medicine and health food. Palatinate asparagus is low in calories (17 Kcal/100 g), rich in fiber, various vitamins and minerals. Asparagus gets its typical taste from essential oils, aspartic acid and active plant substances. Asparagus has a detoxifying effect for the body.

Spargel Lagerung

How to prepare fresh white asparagus?

Tipp: Add some ginger to the asparagus while cooking to remove potential bitterness. The asparagus is a natural wild plant, which carries many healthy substances and vitamins, and also can randomly taste bitter seldomly.

You own your own restaurant?

Give us a call and place your order 06351/42000
We peel and deliver the field-fresh asparagus for you! 
7 Days a week

Erdbeerland Funck ist ein familiengeführter Betrieb, der seit vielen Jahren Erdbeeren, Spargel, Waldbeeren sowie verschiedene Hofwaren wie hausgemachte Fruchtaufstriche und Secco in der Pfalz und dem angrenzenden Saarland anbaut und verkauft. Dabei stehen Anbau und Aufbereitung der Produkte ganz im Zeichen von Nachhaltigkeit und schonendem Umgang mit der Natur – und das seit Generationen. Auf den Selbstpflückfeldern können Sie sich selbst direkt vor Ort davon überzeugen.

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